Following functions exported by xmlbuilder2 are imported with:

const { createCB, fragmentCB } = require('xmlbuilder2');

These functions can be used to create an XML document in chunks, without keeping the entire document tree in memory, so that large documents can be created without exhausting available memory.


The createCB function serializes an XML document in chunks with the provided callback functions.

createCB(options: object)

  • options - builder options and callback functions
const { createCB } = require('xmlbuilder2');
const { createWriteStream } = require('fs');

const filename = 'path/to/output/file';
const outFile = createWriteStream(filename);

const xmlBuilder = createCB({
  'data': (chunk) => outFile.write(chunk),
  'end': () => outFile.end(),
  prettyPrint: true

  .ele('bar').att('fizz', 'buzz').up()
  <bar fizz="buzz"/>

The callback document builder is a proper node.js EventEmitter, so the following approach is also possible:

const { createCB } = require('xmlbuilder2');
const { createWriteStream } = require('fs');

const filename = 'path/to/output/file';
const outFile = createWriteStream(filename);

const xmlBuilder = createCB({ prettyPrint: true });
xmlBuilder.on('data', (chunk) => outFile.write(chunk));
xmlBuilder.on('end', () => outFile.end());

  .ele('bar').att('fizz', 'buzz').up()


The fragmentCB function serializes an XML document fragment in chunks with the provided callback functions.

fragmentCB(options: object)

  • options - builder options and callback functions
const { fragmentCB } = require('xmlbuilder2');
const { createWriteStream } = require('fs');

const filename = 'path/to/output/file';
const outFile = createWriteStream(filename);

const xmlBuilder = fragmentCB({
  'data': (chunk) => outFile.write(chunk),
  'end': () => outFile.end(),
  prettyPrint: true

  .ele('foo').att('fizz', 'buzz').up()
<foo fizz="buzz"/>

Builder options

Callback functions

  • data - a callback function which is called when a chunk of XML is serialized. The function will receive the string chunk as its first argument and the depth of the XML tree as its second argument.
  • end - a callback function which is called when XML serialization is completed.
  • error - a callback function which is called when an error occurs. The function will receive the error object as its argument.
  • keepNullNodes - Whether nodes with null and undefined values will be kept or ignored: true or false. Defaults to false, which silently ignores nodes with null and undefined values. When set to true, null will be treated as an empty string.
  • keepNullAttributes - Whether attributes with null and undefined values will be kept or ignored: true or false. Defaults to false, which silently ignores attributes with null and undefined values. When set to true, null will be treated as an empty string.
  • ignoreConverters - Whether converter strings will be ignored when converting JS objects: true or false. Defaults to false.
  • convert - An object defining converter strings. Default converter strings are described below.
    • att - When prepended to a JS object key, converts its key-value pair to an attribute. Defaults to '@'.
    • ins - When prepended to a JS object key, converts its value to a processing instruction node. Defaults to '?'.
    • text - when prepended to a JS object key, converts its value to a text node. Defaults to '#'.
    • cdata - when prepended to a JS object key, converts its value to a CDATA section node. Defaults to '$'.
    • comment - When prepended to a JS object key, converts its value to a comment node. Defaults to '!'.
  • defaultNamespace - Contains default namespaces to apply to all elements and attributes (see: example)
    • ele - default namespace for element nodes
    • att - default namespace for attributes
  • namespaceAlias - Contains namespace aliases where object keys are namespace aliases and object values are namespaces (see: example)

Serialization settings

  • format - Output format. Either 'xml', 'json' or 'yaml'.
  • wellFormed - Ensures that the document adheres to the syntax rules specified by the XML specification. If this flag is set and the document is not well-formed errors will be thrown. Defaults to false.
  • prettyPrint - Pretty-prints the XML tree. Defaults to false.
  • indent - Determines the indentation string for pretty printing. Defaults to two space characters.
  • newline - Determines the newline string for pretty printing. Defaults to '\n'.
  • offset - Defines a fixed number of indentations to add to every line. Defaults to 0.
  • width - Determines the maximum column width. Defaults to 0.
  • allowEmptyTags - Produces closing tags for empty element nodes. With this option set to true, closing tags will be produced for element nodes without child nodes, e.g. <node></node>. Otherwise, empty element nodes will be self-closed, e.g. <node/>. Defaults to false.
  • spaceBeforeSlash - Inserts a space character before the slash character of self-closing tags. With this options set to true, a space character will be inserted before the slash character of self-closing tags, e.g. <node />. Defaults to false.