Once a callback document builder object is created with createCB or fragmentCB functions, further nodes can be created and serialized using the following functions.


Creates and serializes an attribute node.

att(namespace: string, name: string, value: string)

Creates and serializes an element attribute with the given namespace URI, name and value.

  • namespace - namespace URI
  • name - attribute name
  • value - attribute value
const { createCB } = require('xmlbuilder2');

const xmlBuilder = createCB({ 
  data: (chunk) => console.log(chunk)
  end: () => { },
  prettyPrint: true

xmlBuilder.ele('root').att('http://example.com/ns1', 'att', 'val').end();
<root xmlns:ns1="http://example.com/ns1" ns1:att="val"/>
att(name: string, value: string)

Creates and serializes an element attribute with the given name and value.

  • name - attribute name
  • value - attribute value
const { createCB } = require('xmlbuilder2');

const xmlBuilder = createCB({ 
  data: (chunk) => console.log(chunk)
  end: () => { },
  prettyPrint: true

xmlBuilder.ele('root').att('att', 'val').end();
<root att="val"/>
att(obj: object)

Creates element attributes from each key/value pair of the given object.

  • obj - a JS object containing element attributes and values
const { createCB } = require('xmlbuilder2');

const xmlBuilder = createCB({ 
  data: (chunk) => console.log(chunk)
  end: () => { },
  prettyPrint: true

xmlBuilder.ele('root').att({ 'att1': 'val1', 'att2': 'val2' }).end();
<root att1="val1" att2="val2"/>


Creates and serializes a new comment node.

com(content: string)

  • content - node content
const { createCB } = require('xmlbuilder2');

const xmlBuilder = createCB({ 
  data: (chunk) => console.log(chunk)
  end: () => { },
  prettyPrint: true



Creates and serializes a new CDATA node.

dat(content: string)

  • content - node content
const { createCB } = require('xmlbuilder2');

const xmlBuilder = createCB({ 
  data: (chunk) => console.log(chunk)
  end: () => { },
  prettyPrint: true



Creates and serializes the XML declaration.

dec(options: object)

  • options - declaration options
    • version - a version number string. Defaults to '1.0' if omitted.
    • encoding - Encoding declaration, e.g. 'UTF-8'. No encoding declaration will be produced if omitted.
    • standalone - standalone document declaration: true or false. No standalone document declaration will be produced if omitted.
const { createCB } = require('xmlbuilder2');

const xmlBuilder = createCB({ 
  data: (chunk) => console.log(chunk)
  end: () => { },
  prettyPrint: true

xmlBuilder.dec({ 'encoding': 'UTF-8', standalone: true })
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>


Creates and serializes the DocType node.

dtd(options: object)

Creates a new DocType node and inserts it into the document.

  • options - DocType options
    • name - name of the DTD
    • pubID - public identifier of the DTD (optional)
    • sysID - system identifier of the DTD (optional)
const { createCB } = require('xmlbuilder2');

const xmlBuilder = createCB({ 
  data: (chunk) => console.log(chunk)
  end: () => { },
  prettyPrint: true

    name: 'HTML',
    pubID: '-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN',
    sysID: 'http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd'}
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">


Creates and serializes a new element node.

ele(namespace: string, name: string, attributes?: object)

Creates a new element node with the given namespace URI, tag name and attributes.

  • namespace - namespace URI
  • name - tag name
  • attributes - a JS object containing key/value pairs of element attributes (optional)
const { createCB } = require('xmlbuilder2');

const xmlBuilder = createCB({ 
  data: (chunk) => console.log(chunk)
  end: () => { },
  prettyPrint: true

  .ele('http://example.com/ns1', 'child', { 'att': 'val' }).up()
  <child xmlns="http://example.com/ns1" att="val"/>
ele(name: string, attributes?: object)

Creates a new element node with the given tag name and attributes.

  • name - tag name
  • attributes - a JS object containing key/value pairs of element attributes (optional)
const { createCB } = require('xmlbuilder2');

const xmlBuilder = createCB({ 
  data: (chunk) => console.log(chunk)
  end: () => { },
  prettyPrint: true

  .ele('child', { 'att': 'val' }).up()
  <child att="val"/>
ele(contents: string | object)

Creates a new element node by converting the given JS object into XML nodes. See the object conversion page for details.

  • contents - a JS object representing nodes to insert or a string containing an XML document in either XML or JSON format
const { createCB } = require('xmlbuilder2');

const xmlBuilder = createCB({ 
  data: (chunk) => console.log(chunk)
  end: () => { },
  prettyPrint: true

    foo: {
       bar: 'foobar'
    baz: ''

If the contents argument contains an XML or JSON string, ele parses the string and creates new nodes under the current node.

const { createCB } = require('xmlbuilder2');

const xmlBuilder = createCB({ 
  data: (chunk) => console.log(chunk)
  end: () => { },
  prettyPrint: true



Creates and serializes a new processing instruction node.

ins(target: string, content: string)

Creates a new processing instruction node with the given target and content.

  • target - instruction target
  • content - node content (optional)
const { createCB } = require('xmlbuilder2');

const xmlBuilder = createCB({ 
  data: (chunk) => console.log(chunk)
  end: () => { },
  prettyPrint: true

xmlBuilder.ele('root').ins('bar', 'version="13.0"').end();
  <?bar version="13.0"?>
ins(obj: object)

Creates new processing instructions from the key/value pairs of the given object.

  • obj - a JS object containing key/value pairs of processing instruction targets and values
const { createCB } = require('xmlbuilder2');

const xmlBuilder = createCB({ 
  data: (chunk) => console.log(chunk)
  end: () => { },
  prettyPrint: true

xmlBuilder.ele('root').ins({ bar: 'version="13.0"', baz: 'public=true' }).end();
  <?bar version="13.0"?>
  <?baz public=true?>
ins(arr: string[])

Creates new processing instructions from the given string array.

  • arr - a string array containing space concatenated processing instruction targets and values
const { createCB } = require('xmlbuilder2');

const xmlBuilder = createCB({ 
  data: (chunk) => console.log(chunk)
  end: () => { },
  prettyPrint: true

xmlBuilder.ele('root').ins(['bar version="13.0"', 'bar public=true']).end();
  <?bar version="13.0"?>
  <?bar public=true?>


Creates and serializes a new text node.

txt(content: string)

  • content - node content
const { createCB } = require('xmlbuilder2');

const xmlBuilder = createCB({ 
  data: (chunk) => console.log(chunk)
  end: () => { },
  prettyPrint: true



Imports and serializes a node. Descendant nodes and attributes will also be imported.

import(node: XMLBuilderNode)

  • node - the node to import
const { createCB, create } = require('xmlbuilder2');

const xmlBuilder = createCB({ 
  data: (chunk) => console.log(chunk)
  end: () => { },
  prettyPrint: true
const item1 = create().ele('item').txt('001').up();
const item2 = create().ele('item').txt('002').up();




Adds a listener function for an event.

on(event: string, listener: function)

  • event - event name, either "data", "end" or "error"
  • listener - a listener function. For the "data" event, the listener function receives the serialized XML chunk as its first argument and the depth of the XML tree as its second argument. For the "end" event, the listener callback receives no arguments. For the "error" event, the listener callback receives the error object as its single argument.
const { createCB } = require('xmlbuilder2');

const xmlBuilder = createCB({ prettyPrint: true });
xmlBuilder.on('data', (chunk) => console.log(chunk));
