Following functions can be used to convert an XML document into a string or an object. See serialization settings page for the settings object used by these functions.


Converts the entire XML document into its string or object representation. end can be called from anywhere in the document.

end(options?: object)

  • options - serialization options (optional)
const { create } = require('xmlbuilder2');

const doc = create()
  .ele('root', { 'att', 'val' })
console.log(doc.end({ prettyPrint: true }));
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<root att="val">


Converts the node into its object representation.

toObject(options?: object)

  • options - serialization options (optional)
const { create } = require('xmlbuilder2');

const doc = create()
  .ele('root', { 'att', 'val' })
const foo = doc.first().first();
  foo: {
    bar: 'foobar'


Converts the node into its string representation.

toString(options?: object)

  • options - serialization options (optional)
const { create } = require('xmlbuilder2');

const doc = create()
  .ele('root', { 'att', 'val' })
const foo = doc.first().first();
console.log(foo.toString({ prettyPrint: true }));