xmlbuilder2 has built-in parsers for different serialization formats. These parsers can be modified or even completely replaced with custom parser functions. Custom parser functions are passed to xmlbuilder2 with builder options while creating the document.

Here is a simple custom parser function which skips comment nodes while parsing:

const { create } = require('xmlbuilder2');

const xmlString = `
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- 3 records read from database -->
  <!-- node 1 found -->
  <record id="1"/>
  <!-- node 2 found -->
  <record id="2"/>
  <!-- node 3 not found -->
  <!-- node 4 found -->
  <record id="4"/>

const doc = create({ parser: { comment: () => undefined } }, xmlString);
console.log(doc.end({ prettyPrint: true }));
<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <record id="1"/>
  <record id="2"/>
  <record id="4"/>

Following parser functions can be overwritten:


The parse function parses the given serialized document and creates an XML tree. As it parses the document, it will call specialized parser functions below depending on the type of node parsed.

parse(parent: XMLBuilder, contents: string | object)

Creates an XML tree by parsing the contents argument under the given parent node and returns the last top level node created.

  • parent - parent builder object to receive parsed content
  • contents - a string containing a serialized XML document


docType(parent: XMLBuilder, name: string, publicId: string, systemId: string)

Creates a DocType node. The function should return its parent node (usually the parent argument). The node will be skipped if the function returns undefined.

  • parent - parent builder object (the document node) to receive parsed content
  • name - node name
  • publicId - public identifier
  • systemId - system identifier


element(parent: XMLBuilder, namespace: string | null | undefined, name: string)

Creates an element node. The function should return the new element node. The node along with its child nodes will be skipped if the function returns undefined.

  • parent - parent builder object (the document or an element node) to receive parsed content
  • namespace - element namespace
  • name - node name

Following custom element parser function allows namespace scopes:

const { create } = require('xmlbuilder2');

const obj = {
  'root': {
    '-ns1:some/uri': { // namespace scope - prefix: ns1, ns: some/uri
      'node1': '',
      'node2': ''
    '-': { // no namespace
      'node3': ''

let prefix;
let ns;
const elementParser = function (parent, namespace, name) {
  if (name.startsWith('-')) {
    let [elePrefix, eleNS] = name.substring(1).split(':');
    if (eleNS === undefined) {
      prefix = undefined;
      ns = undefined;
      return parent;
    else {
      prefix = elePrefix;
      ns = eleNS;
      return parent.att('xmlns:' + prefix, eleNS);
  else {
    return prefix ? parent.ele(prefix + ':' + name) : parent.ele(name);

const doc = create({ parser: { element: elementParser } }, obj);
console.log(doc.end({ prettyPrint: true }));
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<root xmlns:ns1="some/uri">


attribute(parent: XMLBuilder, namespace: string | null | undefined, name: string, value: string)

Creates an element attribute. The function should return the parent element node (usually the parent argument). The attribute will be skipped if the function returns undefined.

  • parent - parent builder object (an element node) to receive parsed content
  • namespace - attribute namespace
  • name - attribute name
  • value - attribute value


text(parent: XMLBuilder, data: string)

Creates a text node. The function should return the parent element node (usually the parent argument). The node will be skipped if the function returns undefined.

  • parent - parent builder object (an element node) to receive parsed content
  • data - node data


comment(parent: XMLBuilder, data: string)

Creates a comment node. The function should return the parent element node (usually the parent argument). The node will be skipped if the function returns undefined.

  • parent - parent builder object (an element node) to receive parsed content
  • data - node data


cdata(parent: XMLBuilder, data: string)

Creates a CData node. The function should return the parent element node (usually the parent argument). The node will be skipped if the function returns undefined.

  • parent - parent builder object (an element node) to receive parsed content
  • data - node data


instruction(parent: XMLBuilder, target: string, data: string)

Creates a processing instruction node. The function should return the parent element node (usually the parent argument). The node will be skipped if the function returns undefined.

  • parent - parent builder object (an element node) to receive parsed content
  • target - instruction target
  • data - node data


sanitize(str: string)

Sanitizes the given string by removing invalid characters as defined in the XML spec.

  • str - string to sanitize