Following functions exported by xmlbuilder2 are typically imported with:

const { create, fragment, convert, builder } = require('xmlbuilder2');


The create function creates and returns a new XML document. When called without arguments, create creates an empty XML document (one without any child nodes). create accepts an optional parameters object for customizing its behavior. These parameters are explained in below. create also accepts an optional argument defining an XML document to be parsed as detailed in this page.

create(options: object, contents: string | object)

Creates a new XML document by parsing the contents argument with the given options and returns the document node.

  • options - builder options
  • contents - a string containing an XML document in either XML or JSON format or a JS object representing nodes to insert
const { create } = require('xmlbuilder2');

const doc = create({ encoding: "UTF-8" }, '<root><node/></root>');
console.log(doc.end({ prettyPrint: true }));
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
create(options: object)

Creates an empty XML document with the given options and returns the document node.

  • options - builder options
const { create } = require('xmlbuilder2');

const doc = create({ encoding: 'UTF-8' });
console.log(doc.end({ prettyPrint: true }));
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
create(contents: string | object)

Creates a new XML document by parsing the contents argument with the default options and returns the document node.

  • contents - a string containing an XML document in either XML or JSON format or a JS object representing nodes to insert
const { create } = require('xmlbuilder2');

const doc = create('<root><foo><bar>foobar</bar></foo></root>');
console.log(doc.end({ prettyPrint: true }));
<?xml version="1.0"?>

Creates an empty XML document with the default options and returns the document node.

const { create } = require('xmlbuilder2');

const doc = create();
console.log(doc.end({ prettyPrint: true }));
<?xml version="1.0"?>


The fragment function creates and returns a document fragment node. fragment accepts the same types of arguments as with the document function.

fragment(options: object, contents: string | object)

Creates a new document fragment by parsing the contents argument with the given options and returns the document fragment node.

  • options - builder options
  • contents - a string containing an XML document in either XML or JSON format or a JS object representing nodes to insert
const { fragment } = require('xmlbuilder2');

const frag = fragment({ encoding: 'UTF-8' }, '<node/><node>text</node>');
console.log(frag.toString({ prettyPrint: true }));
fragment(options: object)

Creates an empty document fragment with the given options and returns the document fragment node.

  • options - builder options
const { fragment } = require('xmlbuilder2');

const frag = fragment({ encoding: 'UTF-8' });
console.log(frag.toString({ prettyPrint: true }));
fragment(contents: string | object)

Creates a new document fragment by parsing the contents argument with the default options and returns the document fragment node.

  • contents - a string containing an XML document in either XML or JSON format or a JS object representing nodes to insert
const { fragment } = require('xmlbuilder2');

const frag = fragment('<foo>foo</foo><foo>foobar</foo><bar/>');
console.log(frag.toString({ prettyPrint: true }));

Creates an empty document fragment with the default options and returns the document fragment node.

const { fragment } = require('xmlbuilder2');

const frag = fragment();
console.log(frag.toString({ prettyPrint: true }));


The convert function converts an XML document into a given format. See below and serialization settings for the options arguments. The input of the convert function should be a string containing an XML document in either XML or JSON format or a JS object representing XML nodes.

convert(builderOptions: object, contents: string | object, convertOptions: object)

Converts an XML document by parsing the contents argument with the given builderOptions and returns the result formatted with the given convertOptions.

  • builderOptions - builder options
  • contents - a string containing an XML document in either XML or JSON format or a JS object representing nodes to insert
  • convertOptions - conversion options
const { convert } = require('xmlbuilder2');

const obj = convert({ encoding: 'UTF-8' }, '<root><node/></root>', { format: 'object' });
{ root:
  node: { }
convert(contents: string | object, convertOptions: object)

Converts an XML document by parsing the contents argument with the default builder options and returns the result formatted with the given convertOptions.

  • contents - a string containing an XML document in either XML or JSON format or a JS object representing nodes to insert
  • convertOptions - conversion options
const { convert } = require('xmlbuilder2');

const obj = convert('<root><node/></root>', { format: 'object' });
{ root:
  node: { }
convert(builderOptions: object, contents: string | object)

Converts an XML document into the default output format by parsing the contents argument with the given builderOptions and returns the result. The default output format is 'xml' which returns an XML document string.

  • builderOptions - builder options
  • contents - a string containing an XML document in either XML or JSON format or a JS object representing nodes to insert
const { convert } = require('xmlbuilder2');

const xml = convert({ encoding: 'UTF-8' }, { root: { node: { } });
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><root><node/></root>
convert(contents: string | object)

Converts an XML document into the default output format by parsing the contents argument with the default builder options and returns the result. The default output format is 'xml' which returns an XML document string.

  • contents - a string containing an XML document in either XML or JSON format or a JS object representing nodes to insert
const { convert } = require('xmlbuilder2');

const xml = convert({ root: { node: { } });
<?xml version="1.0"?><root><node/></root>


The builder function wraps an existing DOM node and returns a builder object.

builder(options: object, node: Node)

Wraps an existing DOM node with the given options and returns a builder object.

  • options - builder options
  • node - a DOM node
const { builder } = require('xmlbuilder2');

const node = document.createElement('node');

const xml = builder({ version: '1.0' }, node)
  .end({ prettyPrint: true });

builder(node: Node)

Wraps an existing DOM node with the default options and returns a builder object.

  • node - a DOM node
const { builder } = require('xmlbuilder2');

const node = document.createElement('node');

const xml = builder(node)
  .end({ prettyPrint: true });


Builder options

  • version - a version number string. Defaults to '1.0' if omitted.
  • encoding - encoding declaration, e.g. 'UTF-8'. No encoding declaration will be produced if omitted.
  • standalone - standalone document declaration: true or false. No standalone document declaration will be produced if omitted.
  • keepNullNodes - whether nodes with null and undefined values will be kept or ignored: true or false. Defaults to false, which silently ignores nodes with null and undefined values. When set to true, null will be treated as an empty string.
  • keepNullAttributes - whether attributes with null and undefined values will be kept or ignored: true or false. Defaults to false, which silently ignores attributes with null and undefined values. When set to true, null will be treated as an empty string.
  • ignoreConverters - whether converter strings will be ignored when converting JS objects: true or false. Defaults to false.
  • convert - an object defining converter strings. Default converter strings are described below.
    • att - when prepended to a JS object key, converts its key-value pair to an attribute. Defaults to '@'.
    • ins - when prepended to a JS object key, converts its value to a processing instruction node. Defaults to '?'.
    • text - when prepended to a JS object key, converts its value to a text node. Defaults to '#'.
    • cdata - when prepended to a JS object key, converts its value to a CDATA section node. Defaults to '$'.
    • comment - when prepended to a JS object key, converts its value to a comment node. Defaults to '!'.
  • invalidCharReplacement - defines a replacement value for invalid characters in input strings. If value is a string, each invalid character in an input string will be replaced with it; otherwise if value is a function it will be passed each invalid character and should return a replacement character. The arguments to the replacement function are:
    • char - the invalid character to be replaced
    • offset - the offset of the invalid character
    • str - the input string
  • parser - defines custom parser functions:
    • parse - main parser function
    • docType - creates a DocType node from parsed content
    • comment - creates a comment node from parsed content
    • text - creates a text node from parsed content
    • instruction - creates a processing instruction node from parsed content
    • cdata - creates a CData node from parsed content
    • element - creates an element node from parsed content
    • attribute - creates an attribute or namespace declaration from parsed content

See custom parsers for more information and examples.

  • defaultNamespace - contains default namespaces to apply to all elements and attributes (see: example)
    • ele - default namespace for element nodes
    • att - default namespace for attributes
  • namespaceAlias - contains namespace aliases where object keys are namespace aliases and object values are namespaces (see: example)